(ascension 的复数) n. 上升, 耶稣升天
- This is some of the karma that Mila and Oa have been releasing in their personal ascensions to date.
这就是Mila和Oa在其至今的个人提升中所解除的业力的一部分。 - The whale implosion is altering many things in the inner earth as the larger headed ones ponder why a dream was dreamt of this nature; and what is going wrong in their own ascensions to cause this.
鲸鱼的爆炸正在改变地心地球的许多事情,因为大头颅人类正在深思为什么这样一种性质的梦想被编织,而在他们的提升中是什么出现问题从而造成了这一切。 - Not enough love translates into limited forgiveness and this has been a vast problem in most map carvers attempted ascensions thus far; and It is why we are pointing this out.
没有足够多的爱就转译成有限的原谅,而这已经是许多尝试提升的地图绘制者们至今所面临的一个巨大问题,也正是为什么我们要指出这一点的原因所在。 - Simultaneously specific weight chronic hepatitis patient B ultra part prompt proliferating liver harm, liver textile fiber four obvious ascensions, considered has the early fibrosis existence.
同时中重度慢性肝炎患者B超部分提示弥漫性肝损害,其中肝纤维四项明显升高,考虑有早期纤维化的存在。 - Lilliya and Nomi have suffered repeatedly in their ascensions due to the polarity of the inner earth which continuously presses them towards failure and death.
Lilliya和Nomi在其提升中,已由于地心地球的极性而再三遭受折磨,它持续将他们推入失败和死亡。 - I intend to forgive those ancestors who created false ascensions by moving into other creational ascension patterns.
我意愿原谅那些由于进入到其它造物的提升模式而产生了虚假提升的祖先。 - Mila and Oa had been becoming quite ill in the past few years of their ascensions.
Mila和Oa在他们过去几年的提升中病得非常严重。 - We invite you to consider attending our International Ascensions Conference where the continued ascension of earth is both celebrated and also assisted in its goal.
我们邀请你来考虑参加我们的国际提升大会,在那里我们将会对地球的继续提升既给予庆祝,同时也给予支持。 - Each of such incomplete ascensions utilized the matrixes to attempt to move to the next dimension;
每一个这样的不完全提升都利用了矩阵,以试图到达下一个维度; - Moon cycles today can help ascending humans direct their ascensions more consciously.