网络 巨浪似的; 汹涌的; 波涛汹涌; 波浪起伏的
- characterized by great swelling waves or surges
- billowy storm clouds
- the restless billowing sea
- surging waves
- Like black hulks, the shadows of the great trees ride at anchor on the billowy sea of grass.
巨大的树影像黑色的屏障,起锚般地垂落在这片草地的柔软海洋。 - We know water could become the quiet lake and yet turn to the billowy flood, we want to make people to become as one's, we must use normal power;
众所周知,水既能变成平静的湖泊,又可变成汹涌的洪流,要想使百姓团结一心,就必须利用道德的力量。 - One billowy river appeared in front of the Cowhand.
一条惊涛骇浪的河在牧牛工前面出现。 - We saw the billowy ocean when we traveled from England to America by ship.
当我们坐船从英国去美国时,我们看到了波涛汹涌的大海。 - A Billowy and Surging Prospect of a Grand History: On the National State Narration of the Historical Novel with Ancient China as Its Subject Matter during the New Era
波澜壮阔的大历史图景&论新时期古代历史题材小说的民族国家叙事 - Facing the billowy wave of global liberalization of trade in financial services, we must have clear comprehension of it and make systemic study in theory and deep consideration in practice.
面对全球金融服务贸易自由化的滚滚浪潮,我们必须对金融服务贸易自由化有清醒的认识,并进行理论上的系统研究和实践上的深入思考。 - Maritime accidents are not uncommon in this area due to billowy waves and overloading.
据悉,由于该地区风浪较大、超载现象多见,海上事故时有发生。 - The tide of economic globalization is billowy and to, it is pounding us the daily life of each person.
经济全球化的浪潮汹涌而至,它冲击着我们每一个人的日常生活。 - However, today the economy of billowy reforms spring tide in.
然而,在今天汹涌澎湃的经济改革大潮中。 - Billowy storm clouds; the restless billowing sea; surging waves.