

英 [ˈbrɪdʒɪŋ]

美 [ˈbrɪdʒɪŋ]

v.  在…建桥,架桥于,跨过,度过



BNC.21303 / COCA.34247


  • N-COUNT 桥;桥梁
    Abridgeis a structure that is built over a railway, river, or road so that people or vehicles can cross from one side to the other.
    1. He walked back over the railway bridge.
    2. ...the Golden Gate Bridge.
  • N-COUNT (连接两地的)桥梁,纽带
    Abridgebetween two places is a piece of land that joins or connects them.
    1. ...a land bridge linking Serbian territories.
  • VERB 弥合(分歧);消除(隔阂)
    Tobridgethe gap between two people or things means to reduce it or get rid of it.
    1. It is unlikely that the two sides will be able to bridge their differences.
  • VERB 兼具… 的特点
    Something thatbridgesthe gap between two very different things has some of the qualities of each of these things.
    1. ...the singer who bridged the gap between pop music and opera.
  • N-COUNT 桥梁;媒介;纽带
    If something or someone acts as abridgebetween two people, groups, or things, they connect them.
    1. We hope this book will act as a bridge between doctor and patient...
    2. They saw themselves as a bridge to peace.
  • 舰桥
    The bridgeis the place on a ship from which it is steered.
    1. N-COUNT 鼻梁
      Thebridgeof your nose is the thin top part of it, between your eyes.
      1. On the bridge of his hooked nose was a pair of gold rimless spectacles.
    2. (眼镜的)鼻梁架
      Thebridgeof a pair of glasses is the part that rests on your nose.
      1. (小提琴、吉他等弦乐器的)琴马,琴桥
        Thebridgeof a violin, guitar, or other stringed instrument is the small piece of wood under the strings that holds them up.
        1. (固定假牙的)齿桥
          Abridgeis a piece of metal or plastic that holds false teeth in place by connecting them to natural teeth.
          1. 桥牌
            Bridgeis a card game for four players in which the players begin by declaring how many tricks they expect to win.
            1. See also:suspension bridge
            2. 破釜沉舟;自绝退路
              If youburnyourbridges, you do something which forces you to continue with a particular course of action, and makes it impossible for you to return to an earlier situation or relationship.
              1. water under the bridge→ see:water


              • The most widely used technique for bridging defects in peripheral nerves is the use of autologous nerve grafts.
              • For the simplification step, multiplatform and bridging applications and functional equivalents were introduced.
              • This year's theme is "Museums Bridging Cultures".
              • Fundamentally, we will lead you step in bridging the gap between the Chinese and Western education systems.
              • Device emulation is an important part of the hypervisor, bridging the gap between virtual devices in the VM to physical devices below the hypervisor.
              • This article introduces a bridging technology that balances performance with applicability.
              • Select MONO BRIDGING ( up) or SEPARATE ( down) as marked on the rear panel.
              • The SIMPACK software is used to establish the multi-body topography of the flat car for transport of bridging machines.
              • Bridging the digital divide and creating digital opportunities has become the common mission of the development of human society.
              • Be aware that the cells are completely independent; no core group bridging has been setup between the cells.