



  • As the temperature rises, the friction coefficient deceases.
  • Conclusions At present, the tabes dorsalis should be involved in the differentiation diagnosis for the deceases with the lesions of posterior roots, dorsal columns and peripheral nerve. It is important for patients with age 40~ 60 years or whose nerve conduction velocity is normal.
  • The precipitation pattern is consistent with orientation of orography, i.e. the rainfall increases on the windward side, while deceases on the lee side.
  • The following conclusions can be drawn from the analysis: The axial force of hydrodynamic coupling deceases with the increasing of speed ratio at a constant filling rate; the axial force reaches the maximum at braking condition while minimum at rated condition.
  • The pruning method can permits us to directly get some undiscovered frequent patterns from some discovered frequent patterns, so that deceases quantity of candidate subtrees and time that used to count the frequency of their, thereby improves the efficiency of our algorithm.
  • The gust intensity deceases with the height by the negative exponential function also, while its decrease rate is smaller than that of the gust coefficient.
  • It is said that he has been kept in bed for one year for muscular atrophy and other deceases.
  • Non-Newtonian Index of 9:1 blend solution at the invested temperature range is lower than 1, which increases with solution temperature and deceases with solution concentration.
  • The delay time of the superfluorescence radiation deceases with the increase of the intensity of the excitation pulse, of the molecular number density and of the propagation distance.
  • In case a contractor deceases during the term of a contract, the successor of the deceased contractor may continue the contract.