英 [ˌdiːp ˈset]
美 [ˌdiːp ˈset]
adj. (眼睛)深陷的
- (眼睛)深陷的
eyes that are deep-set seem to be quite far back in a person's face
- ADJ (眼睛)深陷的,凹陷的
Deep-seteyes seem to be further back in the face than most people's eyes.- He had deep-set brown eyes.
- He had deep-set brown eyes.
- The characteristics of Fire Face are small, deep-set eyes, prominent upper cheekbones, thin lips.
“金相脸”的人眼小且深陷,上颧骨突出,嘴唇薄。 - It has important value for the evaluation of deep-set reservoirs and beach and for the prediction of prospective districts, to research depositional systems, assemblage types, distribution and oil-bearing properties and to combine with analysis of traps.
进一步研究辽河坳陷沉积体系类型及其组合型式、分布规律和含油性,并与圈闭分析相结合,对其深层和滩海的评价及有利勘探目标的预测有重要价值; - In particular, some deep-set of investors, in the current market position would be too radical a liquidation.
特别是,一些根深蒂固的投资者对目前的市场地位,将是过于激进清算。 - Rudolf hess, who had been the number three man before his flight to england, his face now emaciated, his deep-set eyes staring vacantly into space, feigning amnesia but leaving no doubt that he was a broken man;
鲁道夫赫斯在飞往英格兰以前曾经是第三号人物,如今面容憔悴,凹下去的眼睛失神地瞪着前方,他假装患了健忘症,但是一望而知是个垮了的人。 - He had deep-set brown eyes.
他有一双深陷的褐色眼睛。 - He had a big nose, a stiff mustache and deep-set eyes.
他有一个大鼻子和一双深陷的眼睛,胡须硬硬的。 - A craggy face with deep-set eyes and bushy brows
一张粗犷的脸,眼睛深陷,眉毛浓密 - He had dark, sparkling, and deep-set eyes, hooked nose, and teeth white as those of a carnivorous animal; Within two weeks, you will find your eyes become bright and shinning, making you a real magic eye beauty.
两眼深陷而炯炯有神,鹰钩鼻,牙齿雪白,就象一只食肉兽。不出两个星期,你会发现你的眼睛变得明亮且炯炯有神起来,这才是名副其实的电眼美女。 - The guiding ideology was deep-set in the shifting of the Party's working stress to the socialist modernization;
二,党在作出把全党工作重点转移到社会主义现代化建设上来这一重大决策时,在指导思想上具有相当的牢固性。 - Eyes& Dark brown in color, not too small, too protruding or too deep-set.