

n.  偏斜,偏转




  • This paper discusses the mechanism of the propagation of elastic surface wave, presented a method that use the tip of atomic force microscopy and beam deflexion method to on line detect the nanometer vibration of the particle in the surface wave.
  • So liquid crystal grating is used in extensive field such as diffraction optics, photoelectric switch, deflexion controlling of light beam.
  • The stress expression of the whisker tip was got on the basis of modifying the shear lag theory. The expression to forecast the corporate toughening effect of whisker bridging, whisker evulsion and crackle deflexion was derived.
  • Deflexion of transmitting array beams is realized with a simple digital circuit in the phased array.
  • The principle of acoustooptic diffraction was introduced, and the experimental research was carried through about acoustooptic deflexion and modulation of Bragg diffraction.
  • It compute the parameter of deflexion caused by thermal distortion in orbit, deduce the general expression for spreading beam after thermal distortion of reflector and the center deflexion of facula received in CCD.
  • Result Asymmetric inlet velocity profile deflexion could increase the area of low shear stress and the gradient of shear stress.
  • It is suggested that fibre pulling out and interbedded crack deflexion are the major toughing mechanism in the asymmetrical FGM.
  • On the base of the model of residual stress, the stress state between matrix and crystal was analyzed. With the introduction to the theory of crack deflexion, the effect of different aspect ratios of crystals on toughen was discussed.
  • We gather a set of economically feasible technical criteria on linearity 、 squareness 、 deflexion 、 pitch and oscillation of sliding guide etc, and make the survey accuracy of the machine tool hit 63.2 μ m, and meet accuracy requirement.