

英 [ɪ,reɪdɪ'eɪʃ(ə)n]

n. 照射;发光, 放射


  • These irradiations may cause the leukopenia, reduce the human body immunity.
  • Intermixing and Phase Change at Metal/ Insulator Interface Induced by Energetic Ion Irradiations
  • Comparisons of chromosome aberrations induced by in vitro 60 co γ-ray irradiations in human sperm and lymphocytes
  • Mechanism of Damage in Diamond like Carbon Film Induced by γ ray and N ion Irradiations
  • Using fast electron beam and 60Co y-ray, we have studied the radiation effect on polyphenylene sulfide the solubility, thermal property, crystallinity and structure change of the specimens during irradiations have been determined.
  • Ion Velocity Effect in the Process of the Damage Creation in Solid Materials Induced by Swift Heavy Ion Irradiations
  • Conclusions Low dose U-VA irradiation could induce adaptation reaction which protects cultured skin melanocytes from damages by subsequent challenged dose of UVA. The period the adaptation reaction lasts and protective extents are clearly related to the accumulated dosage of repeated low dose UVA irradiations and intervals.
  • The energy analyzer screens the ion collector of the QMS from the irradiations of the x rays emitted on the grid surface, and of the ultraviolet light released in the de excitation processes of ions and excited molecules in the ionizer.
  • Using the ground-based environmental simulations for the irradiations of protons, electrons and their synergistic effects, the electric property degradations and damage mechanisms of the new-generation GaAs/ Ge solar cells were investigated.
  • The experimental results show that the produced radiation damage and its thermal annealing behavior are the same for both irradiations in a-Al2O3, and that the heavy ion irradiation can well simulate the neutron and/ or proton irradiation.