

(lawbreaker 的复数) n. 犯法者


  • Throughout addiction intervention and treatment status, we found that the result of addiction treatment is not optimistic, even that lawbreakers fool parents out of their money by a cover of addiction treatment.
  • Fact is, I'm for law and order, I don't like to see lawbreakers and lunatics at large.
  • We should make laws in a scientific way, enforce them strictly, administer justice impartially, and ensure that everyone abides by the law. We must make sure that all are equal before the law and that laws are observed and strictly enforced and lawbreakers are prosecuted.
  • Make full use of the existing legal system implementation blow, but should pay attention to application of punishment, and resolutely severe penal ties; 4. Lawbreakers must be prosecuted, strengthening the legal supervision.
  • Because the inevitable cost is fixed and actual, the illegal private cost in security market is mainly decided by the possible cost or the expected punished cost of the lawbreakers.
  • This writer believes "lawbreakers ( illegal) ownership", but it should be amended to its meaning.
  • On the other hand, international lawbreakers cadge children multinationally without restraint, in the name of foreign adoption, whose shocking crimes make every country and area take cautious attitude to admitting the force of foreign adoption from another country or area, even place obstacles.
  • Policemen have authority to arrest lawbreakers.
  • This list waswhittled down from a much longer list of stories of the stupid things lawbreakers did this past year.
  • The key point of law application is to investigate the legal responsibility of lawbreakers; otherwise the law would not become the guarantee of state coercive forces and lose its meaning and value.