英 [liːd ʌp]
美 [liːd ʌp]
n. 先声; 前导; 前奏
- N-SING 先声;前导;前奏
Thelead-up toan event is the things connected to that event that happen before it.- The lead-up to the wedding was extremely interesting.
- The lead-up to the wedding was extremely interesting.
in AM, usually use 美国英语通常用 run-up
- In Bangladesh, where nearly half of the population lives on less than a dollar a day, prices of basic foodstuffs and commodities have seen a spike in the lead-up to Ramadan.
在孟加拉国,几乎一半的人口每天的生活水平低于一美元,粮食和日用品的基本价格使斋月到来受挫。 - BP acted with wilful misconduct in the lead-up to the 2010 Gulf of Mexico oil spill, the US government has alleged at the start of the trial over the accident, as it pushes for the highest possible penalties and damages.
美国政府指控英国石油(BP)在2010年墨西哥湾原油泄漏事故发生之前,存在故意失当行为,并争取法庭对BP处以最高数额的罚款和损害赔偿金。 - New Inquiries About Lead-up Method: a Motor Learning Perspective
诱导式教学法新探&运动技能学视角 - THE PROBLEM: You may be experiencing the menopause, perimenopause ( the lead-up to the menopause) or pre-menstrual tension.
问题所在:你可能到了更年期,遇到了停经期前症候,或者是经前焦虑。 - Lehman Brothers, for example, was accused by David Einhorn, the hedge fund manager, of overstating the value of its balance sheet in the lead-up to its collapse in 2008.
例如,对冲基金经理戴维艾因霍恩(davideinhorn)指责雷曼兄弟在2008年公司倒闭前夕夸大其账面价值。 - Governments have been responding in a co-ordinated fashion and will continue this work in the lead-up to the summit of the group of 20 leading economies.
各国政府一直在以协同的方式做出回应,在20国集团(g20)峰会召开前还将继续这样做。 - While acknowledging the lack of complete data to conduct the analysis, the ofr report had, I thought, some useful observations about things asset managers do that are frighteningly similar to the kinds of things that banks did in the lead-up to the financial crisis.
虽然OFR的报告缺少足够的数据,不那么让人信服,但是,如果仔细分析下资产管理公司,我们就会不寒而栗地发现,他们和当年金融危机中的银行业如此相像。 - They warn that the measure, if implemented in its current form, will cause shortages of basic items, such as bras, and hurt sales in the lead-up to Christmas, their busiest season.
它们警告称,如果政府以目前的形式执行这一措施,将会导致文胸等基本物品短缺,并打击圣诞节前的销售,而圣诞是零售商们最忙碌的季节。 - Rovers boss Mark Hughes was disappointed the officials did not give a hand ball in the lead-up to Kalou's goal.
布莱克本流浪者足球俱乐部梅克·休斯对导致卡卢进球的传球未被裁判判为手球而感到不满。 - The lead-up to the race war intensifies and inmates of all colors prep their weapons.