

英 [ˈsmuːðɪst]

美 [ˈsmuðəst]

adj.  平整的; 平坦的; 平滑的; 光滑的; 无结块的; 混合均匀的; 顺利的; 平稳的


  • ADJ-GRADED 光滑的;平滑的
    Asmoothsurface has no roughness, lumps, or holes.
    1. ...a rich cream that keeps skin soft and smooth.
    2. ...a smooth surface such as glass...
    3. The flagstones beneath their feet were worn smooth by centuries of use.
  • ADJ-GRADED 稠度均匀的;细腻匀和的;不结块的
    Asmoothliquid or mixture has been mixed well so that it has no lumps.
    1. Continue whisking until the mixture looks smooth and creamy...
    2. Blend the cornflour to a smooth paste with a little cold water.
  • ADJ-GRADED (葡萄酒、威士忌或咖啡等)醇和的,不烈的,不苦的
    If you describe a drink such as wine, whisky, or coffee assmooth, you mean that it is not bitter and is pleasant to drink.
    1. This makes the whiskeys much smoother.
  • ADJ-GRADED (动作等)平稳的,流畅的
    Asmoothline or movement has no sudden breaks or changes in direction or speed.
    1. This exercise is done in one smooth motion.
    2. ...the smooth curve of the trunk.
  • ADJ-GRADED (骑马、航行等)平稳的,顺顺当当的
    Asmoothride, flight, or sea crossing is very comfortable because there are no unpleasant movements.
    1. The active suspension system gives the car a very smooth ride.
  • ADJ-GRADED 顺利的
    You usesmoothto describe something that is going well and is free of problems or trouble.
    1. Political hopes for a swift and smooth transition to democracy have been dashed...
    2. A number of problems marred the smooth running of this event.
  • ADJ-GRADED 故作殷勤有礼的;精明圆滑的;圆通的
    If you describe a man assmooth, you mean that he is extremely smart, confident, and polite, often in a way that you find rather unpleasant.
    1. Twelve extremely good-looking, smooth young men have been picked as finalists...
      12 名特别漂亮精明的青年男子被选为参加决赛的选手。
    2. He was the smoothest and probably the most powerful chief of staff in political memory.
  • VERB 抚平;抹平
    If yousmoothsomething, you move your hands over its surface to make it smooth and flat.
    1. She stood up and smoothed down her frock...
    2. Bardo smoothed his moustache.
  • VERB 抹;捋
    If yousmoothsomething somewhere, you use your hands to spread it there.
    1. She smoothed the lotion across his shoulder blades...
    2. His fingers smoothed the hair back from her face.
  • PHRASE 铺平道路;促进
    If yousmooth the pathorsmooth the waytowards something, you make it easier or more likely to happen.
    1. Their talks were aimed at smoothing the path towards a treaty to limit long-range weapons.
  • 既能享乐也能吃苦;是好是歹一起承受
    If you say that someone has totake the rough with the smooth, you mean that they have to accept the unpleasant or difficult things that happen as well as the pleasant things.


    • The opening ceremony chooses music people felt the Shanghai world abundant this subject, music are sincerely as if are the world smoothest communication tools.
    • I may not be the smoothest guy in the world.
    • Some features around the northern plains appear similar to terrestrial seashores, while the plains themselves are among the smoothest areas ever found in the solar system.
    • He commented on the AVS forum that the TD12M had the smoothest, most extended response, and the lowest distortion of all.
    • When Cl_2 content is about 30%, there is a fine balance between the ion bombardment and the chlorine reaction, where the etching rate is close to peak value and the surface is the smoothest.
    • The results show that the gold deposit has the finest and smoothest surface and 30 nm of roughness as pulse duty ratio is 1 ∶( 9~ 18).
    • I've taught you all my smoothest moves.
    • How to get current PHS users the smoothest possible transition to the existing CDMA network, has become an urgent problem in Fuzhou Telecom.
    • For noise free surface NMR signals, both flattest and smoothest model constrained inversions can infer correct water content distributions.
    • Would you like to swim a long distance? Please Buy this life vest, which is the closest, smoothest, safest and most comfortaBle one.