

英 [ˈspekjuleɪts]

美 [ˈspekjuleɪts]

v.  推测; 猜测; 推断; 投机; 做投机买卖


  • VERB 推测;猜测;猜想
    If youspeculateabout something, you make guesses about its nature or identity, or about what might happen.
    1. Critics of the project speculate about how many hospitals could be built instead...
    2. It would be unfair to Debby's family to speculate on the reasons for her suicide...
    3. The doctors speculate that he died of a cerebral haemorrhage caused by a blow on the head...
    4. The reader can speculate what will happen next.
  • VERB 投机;做投机买卖
    If someonespeculatesfinancially, they buy property, stocks, or shares, in the hope of being able to sell them again at a higher price and make a profit.
    1. Big farmers are moving in, not in order to farm, but in order to speculate with rising land prices...
    2. The banks made too many risky loans which now can't be repaid, and they speculated in property whose value has now dropped.


  • And he speculates that people from older generations or different cultures who may not have grown up knowing they were interacting with gay people may be less accurate in making gay versus straight judgments.
  • Durrington Walls was used for feasts and rituals that celebrated life, while Stonehenge was both a memorial and final resting place for the dead, the archaeologist speculates.
  • Dan Pinkston, a Seoul-based analyst with the International Crisis Group, speculates Washington and Pyongyang may soon reach a verification compromise.
  • The team led by Robert Nitsch of Universit ä tsmedizin Berlin speculates that changes in lipid phosphate signaling and PRG-1 function may be unrecognized causes of epilepsy.
  • He speculates that the next America's Cup victor might tack more sharply using a bumpy rudder.
  • He speculates that, for reasons as yet unknown, a mother's immune system takes note of the number of male offspring and that each succeeding male fetus is subjected to increased levels of antibodies.
  • Despite being a cure though Klaus speculates it could mean all their deaths.
  • Diane Hoskins of Gensler speculates that her company's findings about open-plan offices are so striking that they may mark the beginning of a new era in workplace organisation.
  • He speculates that market reformers at the central bank may be trying to shake up the domestic financial markets.
  • To get his shoestrings he speculates in herds of cattle.