

英 [ˈsteɪtmənts]

美 [ˈsteɪtmənts]

n.  说明; 说法; 表白; 表态; 声明; 陈述; 报告; 结算单; 清单; 报表
v.  (英国)对儿童进行特殊教育评估认定


  • N-COUNT (正式或明确的口头或书面)陈述,声明
    Astatementis something that you say or write which gives information in a formal or definite way.
    1. Andrew now disowns that statement, saying he was depressed when he made it...
    2. 'Things are moving ahead.'— I found that statement vague and unclear.
  • N-COUNT (为某一场合特别发表的)官方声明,正式声明
    Astatementis an official or formal announcement that is issued on a particular occasion.
    1. The statement by the military denied any involvement in last night's attack.
  • N-COUNT (嫌疑人或证人向警方提供的)陈述,证词
    You can refer to the official account of events which a suspect or a witness gives to the police as astatement.
    1. The 350-page report was based on statements from witnesses to the events.
      这份 350 页的报告是根据各位证人对这些事件的证词写成的。
  • N-COUNT (意见或观点的)表现,表达
    If you describe an action or thing as astatement, you mean that it clearly expresses a particular opinion or idea that you have.
    1. The following recipe is a statement of another kind—food is fun!
  • 财务报表;结算单
    A printed document showing how much money has been paid into and taken out of a bank or building society account is called astatement.
    1. VERB 证明(儿童)有特殊教育需求
      If a childis statemented, social services staff write a document stating that the child has special educational needs, and the local education authority has to make sure that everything that is necessary is provided for that child.
      1. Nearly a year later, it was agreed that Tom would be statemented...
      2. I had eight statemented children in my class.
        我的班里有 8 名需要接受特殊教育的孩子。


    • Mr Blair said he had been encouraged by recent Irish statements about the issue.
    • It is worth pausing to consider these statements from Mr Davies.
    • Many of his statements were at variance with the facts
    • The contradictory statements are symptoms of disarray in the administration.
    • These statements are accompanied by a series of explanatory notes
    • Statements with errors could still be going out, but customers who notify us will not be left out of pocket.
    • He expressed alarm about the government's increasingly bellicose statements.
    • The statements and views expressed herein are those of the author and are not necessarily those of the Wilson Centre
    • They're asked to make objective, in inverted commas, evaluations of these statements.
    • The fiery right-wing leader toned down his militant statements after the meeting