

英 [ˈteɪblɪŋ]

美 [ˈteɪblɪŋ]

v.  (正式)提出,把…列入议事日程; (将主意、建议等)搁置



  • N-COUNT 桌子;台子
    Atableis a piece of furniture with a flat top that you put things on or sit at.
    1. She was sitting at the kitchen table eating a currant bun...
    2. I placed his drink on the small table at his elbow.
  • N-COUNT (饭店的)饭桌,餐桌
    If you ask for atablein a restaurant, you want to have a meal there.
    1. I'd like a table for two at about 8:30, please...
      我想订一张 8:30 左右的双人桌。
    2. I booked a table at the Savoy Grill...
    3. You will join us at our table, won't you?
  • VERB 正式提出,提交(议案)
    If someonetablesa proposal, they say formally that they want it to be discussed at a meeting.
    1. They've tabled a motion criticising the Government for doing nothing about the problem.
  • VERB 搁置(提案、计划)
    If someonetablesa proposal or plan which has been put forward, they decide to discuss it or deal with it at a later date, rather than straight away.
    1. We will table that for later.
  • N-COUNT 表;表格;目录
    Atableis a written set of facts and figures arranged in columns and rows.
    1. Consult the table on page 104...
      参阅 104 页的表格。
    2. Other research supports the figures in Table 3.3.
      其他研究也可证实表 3.3 中的数据。
  • N-COUNT (1 至 12 的)乘法表
    Atableis a list of the multiplications of numbers between one and twelve. Children often have to learn tables at school.
    1. He didn't know his eleven-times table...
    2. I attempted to learn my tables.
  • See also:coffee tabledressing tablenegotiating tableround tabletea table
  • PHRASE 提交讨论;摆到桌面上
    If you put somethingon the table, you present it at a meeting for it to be discussed.
    1. This is one of the best packages we've put on the table in years...
    2. It means that all the options are at least on the table.
  • PHRASE 扭转局面;转败为胜
    If youturn the tables onsomeone, you change the situation completely, so that instead of them causing problems for you, you are causing problems for them.
    1. The only question is whether the President can use his extraordinary political skills to turn the tables on his opponents.
  • toputyourcards on the table→ see:card


  • Methods Axes-pit cap with subsection founding and engine tabling external telescope pontic was used to repair 4 inclined teeth in different directions.
  • This paper discusses the monotonic functions and the tabling of minimal items, proposes the tabling decision method of monotonic functions, monotone increasing and decreasing functions, and gives some examples to show the decision process.
  • Study on the composition of the tabling concentrate from the cyanidation tailings of some gold ore and on its gold extraction technology is presented.
  • Germany has ignored calls from its eurozone partners for more economic stimulus by tabling plans to cut spending and balance its budget ahead of schedule on the eve of an EU summit dedicated to growth.
  • Application and Development of Tabling Function of "Keyin" Computer-Photocomposition System
  • Leaving the current tax code in place in this step provides support for the recovery, while tabling the tax discussion.
  • Super quartz sand containing SiO 2 as high as 99.97% can be prepared by cationic/ anionic collector reverse flotation from quartzite containing clay minerals such as feldspar and mica after crushing, grinding and tabling.
  • "Keyin" Computer-Photocomposition System takes batch processing function to form tables to be used in treatises, meeting the tabling demand primarily.
  • The iron concentrate with qualified grade also could be beneficiated by tabling and spiral chute separation, but its recovery is distinctly lower than it obtained from intensive magnetic dressing.
  • DJS-6 data communication system is a system having DJS-6 computer as central unit connecting with all the terminals through various communication lines. The system can be used to fulfill the tasks of transmission, computation, and tabling of data from various users.