英 [ˈtɪədrɒps]
n. 泪珠
- 泪珠;泪滴
Ateardropis a large tear that comes from your eye when you are crying quietly.
- In the study, two women ageing 30 and 31 watched sad movies by themselves and placed vials beneath their eyes to collect teardrops.
在该项研究中,两名年龄分别为30,31岁的女子各自观看悲情电影,同时将小水瓶放到她们的眼睛下方以便收集眼泪。 - The light drizzle is my teardrops.
细雨一丝丝,就是我的泪珠。 - A device that uses teardrops to measure the amount of sugar in a person's blood could soon allow diabetics to forgo painful daily pinpricks.
一项使用泪珠来测试一个人的血糖含量的新的装置即将用来测试糖尿病,这样可以省去每天抽血测量血糖的疼痛。 - As teardrops trickled down her face, she said she will succeed for her grandma and let her do everything she wants.
泪水滑落她的脸庞,她表示为了自己的祖母她也势必要成功,这样就可以满足祖母的任何要求了。 - For example, her song Teardrops on My Guitar longs for a boy who hasn't a clue about the crush Swift has on him.
举个例子,她的《我的吉他》这张专辑里的歌《流泪》,泰勒是为表现一个灾难后的失忆男孩的角色而创作的。 - Teardrops, rolling down on my face when there's no agenda ahead of time.
泪珠,顺着我的脸滑落,因为没有提前的会议日程。 - There would be teardrops in the sky.
天空中也将会出现泪滴。 - My teardrops fell like rain that day.