

英 [ˈtɪlɪŋ]

美 [ˈtɪlɪŋ]

v.  耕作; 犁地



  • PREP (常于口语与非正式书面语中代替 until)
    In spoken English and informal written English,tillis often used instead ofuntil.
    1. They had to wait till Monday to ring the bank manager...
    2. I've survived till now, and will go on doing so without help from you.
    3. Tillis also a conjunction.
    4. I hadn't left home till I was nineteen...
      直到 19 岁我才离开家。
    5. They slept till the alarm bleeper woke them at four.
  • Note that you only usetilloruntilwhen you are talking about time. You do not use these words to talk about place or position. Instead, you should useas far asorup to.Then you'll be riding with us as far as the village?... We walked up to where his bicycle was.
    注意只有在谈及时间时才用 till 或 until。在谈及地点或位置时不用这两个词,而应用as far as或up to:Then you'll be riding with us as far as the village (然后你会坐我们的车一直坐到那个村庄),We walked up to where his bicycle was (我们一直走到他放自行车的地方)。

  • N-COUNT (商店等处的)现金出纳机,收银机
    In a shop or other place of business, atillis a counter or cash register where money is kept, and where customers pay for what they have bought.
    1. ...long queues at tills that make customers angry.
  • in AM, use 美国英语用 cash register

  • N-COUNT (收银机中的)钱柜,放钱的抽屉
    Atillis the drawer of a cash register, in which the money is kept.
    1. He checked the register. There was money in the till.
  • VERB 耕,犁(地)
    When peopletillland, they prepare the earth and work on it in order to grow crops.
    1. Workers were singing as they tilled the rice paddy fields.
    2. ...freshly tilled fields.



  • cultivation of the land in order to raise crops


    • They will revert to tilling the earth in an old-fashioned way.
    • Although settlers petitioned to be allowed to buy and own the land they were tilling, so that they could pay taxes instead of rent, the Dutch rulers refused.
    • Study on protective tilling and plastic mulching technique to maize planting in the drought zone of middle Ningxia
    • Resize form or report automatically to display a complete record or a full page? When tilling out the return, if the amount per book does not coincide with the self-adjusted amount according to the law, the supporting documents about the adjusted items should be submitted.
    • Starting with tilling the soil, you moved on to turning out T-shirts, then toys, then tractors, then television sets, and ended up trading Treasuries.
    • The methods involve soil fertility management as well as reduced tillage. Tilling is breaking up and turning the soil to prepare the ground for planting.
    • The utility model relates to a full gear driving device for a micro tilling machine, which comprises a driving box body, a driving input shaft and a driving output shaft.
    • Sedimentation ceases: tilling or folding is accompanied or followed by uplift.
    • The therapeutic effects of gardening are already known to many, but why tilling the soil and planting flowers should make people feel so good, is still a bit of a mystery.
    • His father, a farmer, says Mahsum no longer seems to want to study and he fears the boy will also end up tilling the soil.