

英 [ˌʌnˈbælənsɪz]

美 [ˌʌnˈbælənsɪz]

v.  使不平衡; 使失去均衡; 使失去重心(或平衡); 使倾覆; 使心理不平衡; 使精神失常


  • VERB 使失衡;使紊乱;使失常
    If somethingunbalancesa relationship, system, or group, it disturbs or upsets it so that it is no longer successful or functioning properly.
    1. The interplay between the new politics and the modern media will unbalance the political process and inhibit its workings.
  • VERB 使失去平衡;使不稳;使倾侧
    Tounbalancesomething means to make it unsteady and likely to tip over.
    1. Her whole body began to buckle, unbalancing the ladder...
    2. Don't lean in — you're unbalancing the horse.


  • Experiments under different sudden unbalances applied to the rotor system with various Squeeze Film Damper ( SFD) film clearances were performed at different rotational speeds.
  • This view has aroused a strong response because many problems in our country's economic development such as the unbalances and unharmonious factors in our society has made a negative influence on our country.
  • By measuring both original unbalance response and excitation response, dynamic stiffness and damping coefficients of fluid bearings and rotor unbalances can be calculated.
  • The early reformists 'value-people thought mainly have following three characteristics: Obvious transition; patriotic nature; the inside connection and unbalances of each content.
  • In this paper we elucidated the formation and the connotation of the globalization of economy, and its unbalances and obstacles. The function and limitation of the harmonization of international economy in the globalization of economy also have been discussed.
  • First of all, the mathematical development and extensive computer simulation are used to analyze the influence of amplitude and phase unbalances of in-phase and quadrature channels on weather radar echo spectrum estimation.
  • On the basis of analyzing the concept of charge temperature in the field environment, this paper discusses the unbalances of internal temperature of charge and environment temperature and the serious extents of traditional charge temperature measure error.
  • Making use of simplified asynchronous generator model, the paper introduced slips into variables, taken mechanical and electrical power unbalances as equation restrains to add in the algorithm.
  • The APF eliminates the harmonics and compensates the small amounts of load unbalances of power factor that the TBC cannot eliminate due to its binary condition.
  • Unbalances of educational development etc.