

英 [vets]

美 [vets]

n.  兽医; 兽医诊所
v.  审查(某人过去的生活和职业); 仔细检查,审查(内容、质量等)


  • 兽医
    Avetis someone who is qualified to treat sick or injured animals.
    1. in AM, usually use 美国英语通常用 veterinarian

    2. N-COUNT 退伍军人;老兵;老战士
      Avetis someone who has served in the armed forces of their country, especially during a war.
      1. The New England Shelter in Boston will serve Christmas dinner for 200 vets...
      2. All three are Vietnam vets.
    3. VERB 检查;审查
      If somethingis vetted, it is checked carefully to make sure that it is acceptable to people in authority.
      1. He can find no trace of a rule requiring research to be vetted before publication...
      2. All objects are vetted by a distinguished panel of experts...
      3. He had not been allowed to read any book until his mother had vetted it.
    4. VERB (尤指对将要从事涉及军事或政治机密工作人员的)调查,审查,考查
      If someoneis vetted, they are investigated fully before being given a particular job, role, or position, especially one which involves military or political secrets.
      1. She was secretly vetted before she ever undertook any work for me...
      2. People who marry into the Royal Family will have to be vetted much more carefully in future.


    • This month, a parrot imported from Surinam died from bird flu while in UK quarantine but vets there say it probably got the infection from Taiwanese birds in the same facility.
    • The list was created after consultations with vets, dog behaviour experts and owners from across the UK.
    • When vets took in Ihirwe, she was infected with a severe respiratory disease which is life-threatening for gorillas.
    • When this trio of giant pandas were born, vets said the chances of them all surviving were next to nothing-but the baby girl and her two brothers have defied predictions to reach 100 days old in perfect health.
    • Your farmers then need seeds and livestock, so you must have vets, market traders, construction companies to build barns and refrigeration systems.
    • IBM vets its employees for performance and leadership qualities before selecting candidates to work on an array of projects in areas such as education, health care, and economic development.
    • Apple vets apps before they can enter its store whereas Google does not review any Android apps before making them available, giving developers more freedom but increasing the risks for users.
    • Vets also help animals keep well by giving them checkups.
    • Vets brought in from the Munich Zoo helped trim the animal's nails, which had grown too long, the Daily Mail reported.
    • Claessens vets prospective members to be sure they have adequate savings.